When I think about great examples of JOY, my mind always recalls the New Testament apostle Paul. He was truly an example of someone who was able to find joy in all circumstances. After all the things he endured: being thrown in prison (Acts 16: 16-34), falsely accused (Acts 23:23 – 24:27), being stoned and almost beaten to death (2 Corinthian 11:25) he was still able to find joy in his heart.

I can’t even imagine the hardships he endured and yet there are times when even the smallest inconveniences reveal discontent in my heart. I marvel at his ability to stay the course and find joy in all things. But if Paul could do it, so can we. So how DID he do it?

How Paul Found Joy

Paul was able to look beyond his current situation and realize that whatever he was going through, good could come from it. He knew and understood that God was on his side and, if he remained faithful, the worst that would happen is that he would die and go to heaven to be with the Lord. He had nothing to lose.

Paul states in Philippians 1:21 “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

Paul prayed often, thanked God often, trusted in God always, did not waste time feeling sorry for himself, saw every opportunity as a way to be an example to others and NEVER lost sight of his goal and mission to teach others and bring them to Christ. When he was in PRISON, he taught the jailer (Acts 16: 25-34). When he was ON TRIAL near the end of his life, he taught Festus and King Agrippa (Acts 25:13 – 26:32). He kept the faith and his eyes set on heaven (2 Timothy 4:7-8). Most importantly, he lived every day striving to be like Christ (Galatians 2:20).

Find Joy as Paul Did

Pray often.

Thank God often for every blessing.

Trust God always.

Do not dwell in the sorrow of your trials.

Keep the faith.

Set your eyes on heaven.

James 1:2-3
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

No matter what we endure, we can fully trust God and the journey that we’re on. We can rely on the hope we have that the day will come when we can go and meet our Savior in the paradise that he has prepared for us. When we have our eyes set on heaven, we can get through anything. Be thankful for each blessing God grants, especially the hope we have through Christ Jesus. THAT is truly something to REJOICE. And like Paul, when we are able to find that joy within, we can be a light to others and be equipped to tell others why it is that we have that joy. We can plant seeds in others and help bring the lost to the Savior.

Mindfulness Practice

As a mindfulness practice, I found that the 12 verses below are great reminders for the joy we should find within. I strive to to write these on my heart and pull them out and meditate on them. To do this, I start by writing each verse out at least once as well as how it applies to my life. I created this awesome joy workbook to help you do the same. There is even a blank page included so you can write out other verses you find helpful. Do you have a favorite verse you go to when you need a reminder to fill your heart with joy? Tell me in the comments below!

This is the second in a series I am creating on emotions, feelings and attitudes. You can find the first on Confidence, here.

Let us encourage each other to find joy in all things.