I believe we (myself included), more of than not, take the blessings both big and small in our life for granted. It’s much easier to focus on the negative or just go on with our daily lives without taking a moment to really see and count our blessings. We become discontented and dissatisfied with our lives, seeking happiness in the next big accomplishment or material thing we add to our lives. We might even begin to look to other people to supply us with happiness.

That my friends, is not where happiness comes from. It comes from a place of gratitude and joy in the present within ourselves. It isn’t going to come from anyONE or anyTHING else. To be able to find true happiness, we must actively seek the good and the things in which we can be thankful for no matter what life throws our way. It should be a daily practice. Do you think to include these things in your daily prayers?

So, being that November is the month of Thanksgiving, I would like to encourage you all to take a moment each day to think of at least ONE thing for which you are thankful for. Either write it down, tell a friend/spouse or post it on social media using #SeasonOfGratitude. Seek out the big things like family and friends or the small moments of joy like watching your kids play in the backyard. Whatever it is that fuels your soul, take notice and go to prayer to God and thank him for these things.

Through this daily practice, I pray that we all can grow to know how blessed we truly are. I pray that we see our lives in a new way and this new found joy and happiness for these things will help us all to draw nearer to God and freely give of ourselves to others.

I will be posting on instagram every day this month with the things which I am thankful for as well as verses from the Bible that remind us how important it is to give the praise, honor and glory to the Father in heaven. For all things come from him.

Catch me on instagram @creativelymindfullife.