16 04, 2020

COVID Connections

2020-04-16T16:27:24-05:00April 16th, 2020|Life|Comments Off on COVID Connections

Here in Kansas, we have been in this virus lockdown for about a month now. It has been difficult. The emotional tug in so many different directions has been hard to manage. The unknowns and uncertainties have brought about doubt in my mind. It is heart wrenching to hear of the lives affected by this virus both physically and monetarily. We have all been affected [...]

1 01, 2019

Wholehearted: A deeper dive into my 2019 word of the year.

2019-01-01T21:03:02-06:00January 1st, 2019|Life, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Wholehearted: A deeper dive into my 2019 word of the year.

Our words and actions directly correlate to the condition of our hearts. They show what we’re filling our lives with and the type of feelings and attitudes we’re allowing to rule over us. Matthew 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Are your words filled with love, peace and kindness or are [...]

17 12, 2018

Brain, Heart, Courage & Home

2018-12-17T19:25:39-06:00December 17th, 2018|Life|Comments Off on Brain, Heart, Courage & Home

Jeremy and I went to listen to the Wichita Symphony Orchestra last Saturday night. For one, we were pumped at the opportunity to get out and do something a little different for date night. We are both musicians so getting to hear live instrumental music always gets us a little giddy. These tickets in particular were to The Wizard of Oz: [...]

21 11, 2018

Top 5 Thanks

2018-11-22T08:45:21-06:00November 21st, 2018|Life|4 Comments

I have so far this month been looking to each day to find one thing in which I am thankful for during this #SeasonOfGratitude! I notice a change in my attitude and outlook wherever I am when I am actively seeking the good in other people, the big moments, the small moments and everything in between. Finding joy is all about an inward perception of [...]

19 11, 2018

Self-Care Checklist

2018-11-21T21:42:15-06:00November 19th, 2018|Life, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Self-Care Checklist

I have to admit that last week was a bit of a stressful and low week for me. I was having to battle against the bad habits I’d formed for years with poorly dealing with my problems. (Numbing with food, too much TV, and distracting myself with busyness). I hate to say that my poor habits out won for the most part. But a [...]

9 11, 2018

Lessons From My Grandmother

2018-11-09T18:58:29-06:00November 9th, 2018|Life|Comments Off on Lessons From My Grandmother

My grandmother was truly something special. There’s possibly no way for me to sum her up in one simple post. I most likely won’t do her justice, but I loved her more than she’ll probably ever know. She passed away in January of this year at 97 years young. Today would have been her 98th birthday. She was someone I always looked up to. Her [...]

5 11, 2018

Climbing My Personal Mountain – Part II

2018-11-16T22:07:25-06:00November 5th, 2018|Life|Comments Off on Climbing My Personal Mountain – Part II

So I recently talked a little bit about our trip to Italy. I’m sure there will be more on that soon, but I started off by saying how October was an incredibly fulfilling and awesome month for me. There were so many things in which to be thankful for.  This is part two of that post. The other “newsworthy” item that happened took place within [...]

27 10, 2018

Climbing my Personal Mountain

2018-11-16T22:09:05-06:00October 27th, 2018|Life|Comments Off on Climbing my Personal Mountain

October has already been filled with so many things for me to be thankful for. #1 on that list is the fact that my husband and I got to go on a dream vacation to Italy. Say what?? I still can’t believe it. Pinch me. We were in-country 8 whole days and got to experience all the beautiful art and architecture and eat all the [...]

3 09, 2018

The Journey Starts Now

2018-11-16T22:10:37-06:00September 3rd, 2018|Life|Comments Off on The Journey Starts Now

If you’re wondering why I decided to start this blog or why I named it Creatively Mindful Life, you’re in the right place. If not, either bear with me as I share how this journey all began OR feel free to skip on over to check out the full blog, my current creative projects, or what’s new going on in my life right now. A [...]

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