8 04, 2020

12 Bible Verses to Relieve Your Anxious Heart

2020-04-08T21:58:49-05:00April 8th, 2020|FREE Mindfullness Printable, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on 12 Bible Verses to Relieve Your Anxious Heart

I am comforted to read in the Bible that anxiety is a very real thing. I am not alone in that struggle. We can all experience doubt and worry, but God does not want for those feelings to lead to crippling anxiety. He does not want us to have to sit in the fear and worry alone without a way of escape. He wants to [...]

2 02, 2020

Planted By The Rivers Of Water

2020-04-08T22:12:31-05:00February 2nd, 2020|Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Planted By The Rivers Of Water

I’ve been reading through the Psalms this past week and it has been such a source of renewal and strength. Psalm 1 immediately drew me in and spoke truths I needed to be reminded of. 1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly. Nor stands in the path of sinners. Nor sits at the seat of the scornful. 2 [...]

29 12, 2019

My Wholehearted Year – 2019 In Review

2019-12-30T12:29:48-06:00December 29th, 2019|FREE Mindfullness Printable, Mindfulness & Growth|2 Comments

It truly feels like this year passed by in a blur. I can’t believe Christmas has already come and gone! My family celebrated Christmas at my sister’s house this year. We played games, ate some amazing food, opened gifts and created holiday magic for my sister’s three girls. Being their aunt is one of my greatest joys and I truly enjoy the time I [...]

5 01, 2019

12 Verses To Inspire You To Have a More Joyful Heart

2019-01-05T14:11:18-06:00January 5th, 2019|FREE Mindfullness Printable, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on 12 Verses To Inspire You To Have a More Joyful Heart

When I think about great examples of JOY, my mind always recalls the New Testament apostle Paul. He was truly an example of someone who was able to find joy in all circumstances. After all the things he endured: being thrown in prison (Acts 16: 16-34), falsely accused (Acts 23:23 - 24:27), being stoned and almost beaten to death (2 Corinthian 11:25) he was still [...]

1 01, 2019

Wholehearted: A deeper dive into my 2019 word of the year.

2019-01-01T21:03:02-06:00January 1st, 2019|Life, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Wholehearted: A deeper dive into my 2019 word of the year.

Our words and actions directly correlate to the condition of our hearts. They show what we’re filling our lives with and the type of feelings and attitudes we’re allowing to rule over us. Matthew 15:18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Are your words filled with love, peace and kindness or are [...]

29 12, 2018

New Year. Improved Mindset.

2018-12-29T15:08:00-06:00December 29th, 2018|Mindfulness & Growth|3 Comments

I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas!! If you’re reading this, congratulations! You survived the craziness and stress that come with the holiday. Although I truly hope that through the hectic hustle and bustle, you were able to enjoy the magic and wonder and pause amongst the busyness to enjoy some merriment and find joy. And now as we’re all getting back to our [...]

8 12, 2018

Meditate on These Things

2018-12-08T14:42:37-06:00December 8th, 2018|Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Meditate on These Things

Have you ever gone back to a verse you’ve probably read a hundred times and all of a sudden it just stands out in a whole new way? It’s always so exciting and refreshing to me when this happens. Our preacher used this verse in a sermon this past Sunday and it really resonated with me: I have STRUGGLED in the past with anxiety to [...]

1 12, 2018

Make Lasting Change One Habit at a Time

2018-12-01T19:11:38-06:00December 1st, 2018|Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Make Lasting Change One Habit at a Time

I have been hyper focused on habits lately. I become more and more aware of just how much our lives are ruled by them. I didn’t even know until recently that my anxiety, worry, overthinking and overeating were all just nasty habits I formed to deal with stress when I was much younger. I would give myself such a hard time and beat myself down [...]

24 11, 2018

Choose to Serve the Lord This Day

2018-11-24T11:54:28-06:00November 24th, 2018|Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Choose to Serve the Lord This Day

The average person makes 35,000 conscious decisions a day. Our mind is making choices about everything. Some decisions are one time and done or don’t take much contemplation. What am I going to eat for breakfast? What outfit am I going to wear today? Other decisions are more long term or life-changing. Is this the person I want to marry? Are we ready to have children? [...]

19 11, 2018

Self-Care Checklist

2018-11-21T21:42:15-06:00November 19th, 2018|Life, Mindfulness & Growth|Comments Off on Self-Care Checklist

I have to admit that last week was a bit of a stressful and low week for me. I was having to battle against the bad habits I’d formed for years with poorly dealing with my problems. (Numbing with food, too much TV, and distracting myself with busyness). I hate to say that my poor habits out won for the most part. But a [...]

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