The average person makes 35,000 conscious decisions a day. Our mind is making choices about everything.

Some decisions are one time and done or don’t take much contemplation.

What am I going to eat for breakfast?
What outfit am I going to wear today?

Other decisions are more long term or life-changing.

Is this the person I want to marry?
Are we ready to have children?
Is this a job offer that I should accept?

But there should be one overarching question that helps shape almost every decision we make and the type of person we’re going to be:

Am I choosing to serve the Lord?

We typically think about this on a much larger scale when it comes to sins. It’s generally easy to say…

No, I’m not going to commit murder.
No, I’m not going to steal.

But I think we should be asking ourselves the same question in the small moments in life when we decide how we’re going to act and show up in the world. Can you say the following?

I will show up to work on time and be an honest, hard worker.
I will obey the traffic and speeding laws.
I will be gracious to that person who irritated me.
I will let that stressed mom go before me in the grocery line.
I will not get jealous and covet the great things going on in that person’s life over there.
I will not let the busyness of work, the kids, life in general take me away from attending services or studying my Bible.
I will not engage in gossip with my friends.
I will not be afraid to mention God and Jesus and the wondrous things they’re doing in my life.

Believe me, I need to work on a few of these myself. I have realized that in most cases, Satan isn’t attacking us with the big stuff. He’s creeping in little by little in the small moments by adding too much to our lives that we forget about God. He gets us to take down our guard just a little bit so that we allow our emotions to dictate how we act or treat a person when we’re in a hurry, stressed or irritated. Over time, these things can become habits. We need to be diligent in all things to seek God and ask him to help us in the small things, to choose to serve him and be a light to those around us.