Have you ever gone back to a verse you’ve probably read a hundred times and all of a sudden it just stands out in a whole new way? It’s always so exciting and refreshing to me when this happens.

Our preacher used this verse in a sermon this past Sunday and it really resonated with me:

I have STRUGGLED in the past with anxiety to the point that it was almost debilitating. I worried so much about every. little. thing. that was out of my control and I would go through all of the what ifs only to make myself sick. This was a habit I had to break and a hole within my heart that showed a lack of faith in God.

Be anxious for nothing

That statement is a direct command. We are to lay our worries and troubles at the feet of God and know that He is in control. He hears our prayers and answers them. And when we let our “requests be made known” the “peace of God” will “guard” our “hearts and minds.” He will protect our hearts from any worry and anxiety if we fully rely on Him. Not doing so only pulls us farther from His sheltering wing (Psalm 61:4).

In the next verse, Paul continues by showing us even more how the peace of God can rule in our hearts. Let’s read that part again.

Meditate on these things:

Whatever things are true

Whatever things are noble

Whatever things are just

Whatever things are pure

Whatever things are lovely

Whatever things are of good report

Anything praiseworthy

We so often times spend our time and energy focusing on the negative, complaining about what we think is lacking in our lives. We get bogged down by our trials and tribulations. We gossip about other people or talk about the wrong someone else did to us. Instead of preparing ourselves in the present moment, we get anxious about what MAY happen and create a stumbling block for ourselves.

There’s a better way

Let’s instead take time to fill our hearts and minds with all that is GOOD. Let us show gratitude and seek the beauty in this life and in other people. Let us focus our minds on God and the heavenly home he has prepared for us because ultimately this rugged world is not our home. Let us put our faith in God, prepare for our future, but trust in His plan. If we do THESE things, the peace of God will dwell within you.

Think about that… the peace of the ALMIGHTY. The God who created this world out of nothing (Genesis 1). The omniscient God (Isaiah 46:9-10). The God who loved you so much that he gave his only begotten son (John 3:16). The God that said “Be STILL and KNOW that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). It is in the quiet moments of meditation and reflection on these things that we can draw closer to God. He will grant you HIS peace. Are you taking time each day to seek the good, meditate on His word and freely give praise to Him for all the blessings He has given you? If not, I encourage you to do so and just see how it transforms your mind and your life.