Confidence Defined

I looked up the definition of confidence online and I got these three variations:

  1. The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust.
  2. The state of feeling certain about the truth of something
  3. A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciate of one’s own abilities or qualities.

Seeking a Deeper Meaning

I have always struggled with confidence in myself and understanding where to find it or how to gain more of it. I decided then to search the scriptures and try to understand this word in context of being a Christian and a child of God. It has completely changed my perspective and I now realize these basic principles for confidence:

Bible Definition of Confidence

We are beautifully and wonderfully made in His image. (Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139: 14) He formed us with amazing talents and wants us to go out into the world and use them (Matthew 25:14-30). We are all valued and can be useful in this world. Above all else, we are loved by God (Romans 8: 37-39). That alone should fuel us and give us the confidence to be whole and to love who we are and what we bring into this world.

We can have the ultimate trust in his ability to care for us. He will guide us and listen to us in times of need (1 John 5:14). We must acknowledge him and praise him for all that he has done for us and he will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:6). He will be with us in all things, wherever we go (Joshua 1:9). We can know and understand that the things we do and accomplish are not of our own accord, but because of the blessings that God gives us.

True confidence can be gained by having a firm belief and trust in God as our creator and sustainer (Psalm 54:4) We can be certain of the truths that have been written in His word. God is truth. And we can have confidence in and appreciation for all of the blessings, talents, and abilities God has given us in our lives and know that in him we can shine.

When you need a boost of confidence, remember that God is always with you and that you can accomplish all things by and through him (Phillipians 4:13). Remember to be grateful for all that he has done and given to and for you. Pray for strength and he will guide you (Hebrews 4:16).

Mindfulness Practice

As a mindfulness practice, I found that the 10 verses above are great reminders for the strength and confidence that God can provide. I strive to to write these on my heart and pull them out and meditate on them. To do this, I start by writing each verse out at least once as well as how it applies to my life. I created this awesome confidence workbook to help you do the same. There is even a blank page included so you can write out other verses you find helpful. Do you have a favorite verse you go to for strength and confidence? Tell me in the comments below!