Meditate on These Things
Have you ever gone back to a verse you’ve probably read a hundred times and all of a sudden it just stands out in a whole new way? It’s always so exciting and refreshing to me when this happens. Our preacher used this verse in a sermon this past Sunday and it really resonated with me: I have STRUGGLED in the past with anxiety to the point that it was almost debilitating. I worried so [...]
Make Lasting Change One Habit at a Time
I have been hyper focused on habits lately. I become more and more aware of just how much our lives are ruled by them. I didn’t even know until recently that my anxiety, worry, overthinking and overeating were all just nasty habits I formed to deal with stress when I was much younger. I would give myself such a hard time and beat myself down because I felt like such a failure. I didn’t know [...]
Choose to Serve the Lord This Day
The average person makes 35,000 conscious decisions a day. Our mind is making choices about everything. Some decisions are one time and done or don’t take much contemplation. What am I going to eat for breakfast? What outfit am I going to wear today? Other decisions are more long term or life-changing. Is this the person I want to marry? Are we ready to have children? Is this a job offer that I should accept? But [...]
Self-Care Checklist
I have to admit that last week was a bit of a stressful and low week for me. I was having to battle against the bad habits I’d formed for years with poorly dealing with my problems. (Numbing with food, too much TV, and distracting myself with busyness). I hate to say that my poor habits out won for the most part. But a victory in my book is that I’m acknowledging it and [...]
A Season of Gratitude
I believe we (myself included), more of than not, take the blessings both big and small in our life for granted. It’s much easier to focus on the negative or just go on with our daily lives without taking a moment to really see and count our blessings. We become discontented and dissatisfied with our lives, seeking happiness in the next big accomplishment or material thing we add to our lives. We might even begin [...]
10 Bible Verses to Move Through Your Day With Confidence
Confidence Defined I looked up the definition of confidence online and I got these three variations: The feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something; firm trust. The state of feeling certain about the truth of something A feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciate of one’s own abilities or qualities. Seeking a Deeper Meaning I have always struggled with confidence in myself and understanding where to find it or how to [...]